Resource Topic: Evaluation and Research

Refine Results



Hosted on September 18, 2020, this webinar was facilitated by Miriam Potocky, Senior Research Associate at the International Rescue Committee and Professor of Social Work at Florida International University. Refugee resettlement program staff and administrators need evidence on the interventions and program strategies shown to help their clients thrive in their new lives. We invite…


A lot of terminology can be associated with monitoring and evaluation, and vocabulary definitions can vary widely. Some terms seem to have overlapping definitions–for instance, in the different ways logic models, theories of change and logical frameworks (logframes) can be defined. You can use this glossary to clear up confusion and be sure you understand…

A research/evaluation after-action learning review is a process of reflection (via meeting, workshop, or other form of consultation) at the end of a research and evaluation project. It differs from workshops or other events used to discuss and disseminate findings in that its goal is to reflect not on the program or policy studied, but…

Meaningful informed consent entails more than a participant’s signature on a consent form. The steps that we take for obtaining consent are crucial to safeguarding participants’ dignity, autonomy and well-being, especially when collecting data from vulnerable populations. META’s introductory tip sheet walks through five questions to ask yourself when developing plans and procedures for obtaining…

To be successful, evaluation and research projects must be adequately resourced. Without sufficient funding to answer research or evaluation questions at a high level of quality, the project may not yield useful results. The Research/Evaluation Time & Effort Calculator can help estimate the number and time and effort percentage of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff required for…

Meaningful informed consent entails more than a participant’s signature on a consent form. The steps that we take for obtaining consent are crucial to safeguarding participants’ dignity, autonomy and well-being, especially when collecting data from vulnerable populations. META’s introductory tip sheet walks through five questions to ask yourself when developing plans and procedures for obtaining…

To be successful, evaluation and research projects must be adequately resourced. Without sufficient funding to answer research or evaluation questions at a high level of quality, the project may not yield useful results. This tip sheet and checklist can be used to develop an appropriate budget for research and evaluation projects. Also see META’s Research/Evaluation Time…

Does your organization aspire to do research? Going beyond routine program monitoring and evaluation, research is a systematic investigation conducted to contribute to or fill a gap in evidence or generalizable knowledge. A common reason organizations may conduct research is in the context of impact evaluation. But regardless of the motivation, research can be difficult…

Does your organization aspire to do research? Going beyond routine program monitoring and evaluation, research is a systematic investigation conducted to contribute to or fill a gap in evidence or generalizable knowledge. A common reason organizations may conduct research is in the context of impact evaluation. But regardless of the motivation, research can be difficult…

Program data can help us make informed decisions about the services we deliver to refugee clients in the U.S. But if we want to use it effectively, data need to be of good quality. And processes need to be in place that allow us to regularly analyze and act upon it. This ensures that we…