Child and Family Services
Switchboard’s child, youth, and family resources include information on trauma-informed care, unaccompanied refugee minors, education and parenting support, child protection and safeguarding, mentorship, family integration, psychosocial support and counseling, and cultural activities.

Toolkits + Guides
GUIDE: Traumatic Stress Among Refugee Children: Responding to Abuse, Exploitation, and Trafficking
GUIDE: Bullying Prevention and Response when Supporting Students
GUIDE: Fundamentals of Mandatory Reporting: A Guide for Refugee Service Providers in the U.S.
GUIDE: Promoting Supportive Mentoring for Refugee Youth
TOOLKIT: Community Integration Training and Resource Map
TOOLKIT: Pregnancy Checklist: Hospital and Home Preparation
TOOLKIT: Pregnancy Checklist: Pre/Postnatal Care Considerations
Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Unaccompanied Afghan Minors (UAMs): Key Research Findings
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Process Demystified: Support for Newcomer Families
Trauma Attachment with Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Clients
Empowering Resettled Caregivers to Engage in Difficult Conversations with Their Children
Strategies to Recruit Foster Parents for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors
Increasing Family Engagement within Schools to Support Refugee Students
Supporting Newcomers’ Access to Early Childhood Services
Foundations of Mandatory Reporting for Refugee Service Providers
Bullying Prevention & Response When Supporting Refugee Students
Children with Significant Medical Conditions Across the Migration Continuum
Strengthening Family Resilience Among Afghan Newcomers
Promoting Supportive Mentoring Relationships with Newcomer Youth
What Works to Prevent the Bullying of Refugee and Newcomer Children and Youth?
What Strategies Support the Mental Health of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors?
What is the impact of mentoring on social-emotional and academic outcomes of youth from immigrant and refugee families?
How do family interventions impact functioning of newcomer household dynamics?
What Professional Development Activities Will Help PK–12 Teachers Create Culturally Responsive Learning Environments?
What are the effects of multiculturalism in the PK–12 classroom?