Resource Topic: Gender Equality

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Hosted on ​Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the training was delivered by Claire Hopkins, Switchboard’s Training Officer for Child and Family Services. For unaccompanied refugee minors (URMs), identifying as a member of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning) community adds layers of complexity to their experiences, often intensifying feelings of isolation and vulnerability. […]


Hosted on June 25, 2024, the training was delivered by Rob Callus, Switchboard Training Officer; Max Niedzwiecki, consultant for the Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) Rainbow Initiative, visiting scholar at Clark University, and an anthropologist; Anita Fábos, PhD, anthropologist; Al Green, Ministry Director of the LGBT Asylum Task Force at Hadwen Park Congregational Church, UCC, and […]


The Rainbow Initiative, a program of Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), focuses on supporting LGBTQ+ individuals who have fled their home countries seeking safety. With a network of 28 Rainbow Initiative Congregations and Communities (RICs) across the United States and Europe, EMM aims to create a welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ newcomers and provide them with visibility […]

HIAS utilized private funding to develop and implement a Women’s Empowerment Program that equips women with the financial, emotional, and social management skills to succeed in their new communities. The program offered weekly group sessions, opportunities for peer mentorship, and financial assistance to support women’s efforts to address barriers to self-sufficiency and enhanced their capacities […]

In 2019, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) Northern California Refugee Career Pathways (RCP) Program implemented practices to increase enrollment and outcomes for women. This effort entailed an expansion of the nursing and launch of an early childhood education program. These pathways build upon the formal and informal caregiving and education-related experiences that many of the […]


This  course, developed by AMSSA, provides an in-depth exploration of critical issues faced by LGBTQ2I+ newcomers. Learners will understand the unique issues LGBTQ newcomers face and gain insight on promising practices for serving this community.


Welcome to the Switchboard Podcast. Switchboard is a one-stop resource hub for refugee service providers in the United States, funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. We provide resources, training, communities of practice, and programmatic assistance for programs funded by the ORR. This episode features a conversation with Carissa Chantiles and Abby Davies from InReach. […]

This module, developed by the IRC, will help explain the foundational skills of of supporting survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. You will learn what intimate partner violence is and what foundational skills you need to support survivors. On completion of this course you will: Learn about what is intimate partner violence (IPV) Understand the foundational skills of responding to […]


August 2022 marked the one-year anniversary of the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan. It seems like a lifetime since we witnessed the chaos of rapid evacuations at Kabul International Airport. In this past year, Afghanistan has changed drastically under the Taliban’s governance, and the country has yet again produced one of the largest displaced […]

This webinar discussed the ways service providers can better support Afghan women, girls and gender-diverse people. It focused on what women and girls from Afghanistan will encounter on arrival in Canada, their specific service needs, and support for rebuilding their lives.