Resource Topic: Health

Refine Results





The “Refugee Community Education Video Index,” authored by Catholic Charities, is a comprehensive resource featuring a curated collection of videos on a wide range of topics, including health, estate planning, English learning, and more. This index is thoughtfully categorized by language to ensure accessibility and relevance for diverse refugee communities. By providing easily accessible educational […]




Newcomers may experience multiple challenges accessing health care, including systemic issues rooted in inequities. As described in our blog post What is Health Case Management?, service providers play a critical role in supporting clients to overcome challenges and advocate for their health. This blog post details tips for assisting clients with three specific challenges: transportation, […]




Both service providers and health care providers have the best interests of clients’ health and well-being in mind. However, demanding ​​caseloads and potential ambiguities around roles can hinder collaboration between them. This post will share insights from clinicians and resettlement providers to facilitate coordinated care for refugee and newcomer clients.   Effective communication and collaboration between […]


Multiple sources of strong evidence indicates that peer support groups can improve newcomer mental health symptoms. Three systematic reviews, as well as four additional studies, demonstrate positive outcomes from peer support groups in various newcomer populations. Such groups appear to provide a unique benefit to both participants and newcomer leaders in enhancing social connections, expanding […]



In August 2022, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), Cleveland Field Office (USCRI-CLE) received a grant to hire an Occupational Therapist to help clients address barriers to self-sufficiency in a more customized and intense manner. Occupational therapy (OT) has helped USCRI-CLE clients experiencing difficulties adjusting to life in the US become more stable […]

In 2008, The Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise, Idaho, launched an interpretation service to ensure services could be delivered to clients in their primary language. To meet this need, Saint Alphonsus began employing interpreters directly through the medical center, hiring individuals as contractors. In 2013, The Saint Alphonsus Medical Group Center for Global […]

In 2013, Jewish Family Services of Western New York (JFSWNY) received a grant from the New York State Health Foundation to begin the Forensic Evaluation Partnership and decrease wait times for clients with scheduled asylum court dates.  Through this grant award JFSWNY partnered with the Human Rights Initiative (HRI) at the University of Buffalo to […]

In 2018, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) launched a training workshop for county government staff and local refugee resettlement agencies on Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) Program policies and the integration of federal regulatory requirements with state policies and procedures. The purpose is to improve program compliance and help county and […]

In March 2020, the International Institute of Metropolitan St. Louis (IISTL) in Missouri identified the need to provide public health and related COVID-19 information to area refugees in their primary languages. Although some federal resources were available in multiple languages, state and local information was mainly offered in English and Spanish. To address this, IISTL […]

This checklist, created in partnership with the Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers, aims to guide conversations between case managers and clients to help newcomer parents prepare for the pre- and post-natal (postpartum) periods of pregnancy in the U.S. Even if someone has experienced pregnancy in another country, understanding the expectations, resources, and cultural norms specific […]