Women’s Leadership in ECBOs: Perspectives From Diverse Cultural Backgrounds

Hosted on March 7, 2024, the training was delivered by Drocella Mugorewera, an international bestselling author, award-winning speaker, and founder of the Diversity in Action Global Movement; Amina Sheik Mohamed, Founding Director of the Refugee Health Unit at the University of California San Diego Center for Community Health, and co-developer of the San Diego Refugee Communities Coalition; Ramatoulie (Rama) Deen, founder and Executive Director of TANTA, Inc; Dr. Selin Yildiz Nielsen, founder and Executive Director of Human Migration Institute (HMI) and Nao Kabashima, the co-founder and Executive Director of the Karen Organization of San Diego (KOSD), a partner of Switchboard.

March 8th is International Women’s Day. Celebrated in many countries around the world, International Women’s Day recognizes the achievements and contributions of women from all backgrounds. In our work to advance the inclusion of refugees and newcomers in the U.S., we celebrate the many women leaders who have been tirelessly working with their communities and leading organizations such as federal and state refugee agencies, refugee resettlement agencies, and ethnic community-based organizations (ECBOs). Despite the unique struggles they face as women, these exceptional leaders create safe and welcoming spaces, provide resources and trauma-informed care, and work toward a smooth transition into a new life and a better future for us all.

After watching this 60-minute session, you will be able to:

Identify the challenges women leaders face in the resettlement community and ECBO spaces

Explain the strategies women leaders use to overcome challenges in resettlement work and ECBO spaces

Identify new resources and tools to keep you motivated in your work, practice better self-care, and improve professional growth