Refugee Suicide Prevention

Refugee Health Technical Assistance Center (RHTAC) created the Refugee Suicide Prevention Training Toolkit and poster in response to reports of suicides among resettled Bhutanese refugees. The poster is designed to raise awareness about suicide in refugee communities and encourage gatekeepers to help refugees in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. It is designed to be printed in full color on 8.5 by 11 inch paper.

The poster’s primary audience is gatekeepers. Gatekeepers are individuals who come into regular contact with and are respected and trusted by refugees in their communities (case managers, ESL teachers, counselors, community health workers, teacher aides, ethnic community-based organization members, nurses, etc.). Inform gatekeepers about the purpose of the poster before placing it on display. Hang the poster where it will be viewed by gatekeepers in places such as resettlement agencies, classrooms, staff meeting rooms, offices, and community outreach rooms. Disseminate the poster at meetings and conferences that convene gatekeepers. The poster can also be provided to gatekeepers after a staff meeting or training on suicide prevention.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is listed at the bottom of the poster as a resource for gatekeepers when they encounter someone who is in emotional distress or suicidal crisis. People experiencing a suicidal crisis can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It is recommended that non-English speaking refugees call the Lifeline with a trained interpreter who can help them communicate with the English-speaking Lifeline counselors.


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