Hiring Afghan Humanitarian Parolees: What Service Providers and Employers Need to Know

Hosted on November 17 2021, this training was delivered by Rishan Habte, Program Manager for Economic Empowerment, Switchboard; Liza Zamd, Senior Trial Attorney at the Department of Justice (DOJ) Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER); and Jenny Deines, Special Policy Counsel, Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER).

This webinar featured a special guest presentation from the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division’s Immigrant and Employee Rights Section. It discussed Afghan humanitarian parolees’ work authorization and documentation and described when the Immigrant and Employee Rights Section may be able to assist Afghans resettling in the United States, their service providers, and employers hiring such workers. The session also included a Q&A panel discussion.

This webinar is aimed at all service providers who help prepare ORR-eligible clients for employment, including Afghan humanitarian parolees, or those who interact directly with employers (job readiness instructors, employment specialists, job developers, case managers, etc.).

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Describe the work authorization documentation Afghan humanitarian parolees and other Afghan newcomers may have or be entitled to
  • Troubleshoot common challenges related to work authorization among Afghan arrivals
  • List resources that you can use when educating clients and employers about employment documents for Afghan humanitarian parolees.