This action research aims at finding out how the blended learning can improve students toeflscore. The design of this research is an action research which consists of four steps in a cycle, they are: planning, action, analysis and reflection. In planning step the reserachers did FGD which involved the students, instructors, the dean, the head of language centres and staff to discuss the problems and the alternative solution, designed the syllabus and prepared the materials. In the action step, the blended learning was implemented, 50%was in Face to Face (F2F) mode and other 50% was in information and technology (IT) mode (CALL, email, WA and SMS).The subjects were 20 students from 16 Study Programs in FKIP at the eight semester who have ever joined TOEFL but have not achieved the target score stated by the university, 477.The implementation of Blended learning was observed and analyzed as the next step. The Reflection result showed that Blended learning could improve the students TOEFL score. The students also enjoyed the activities and they believed blended learning helped them improve their TOEFL score. Therefore it is recommended that the University implement the Blended learning program as an alternative solution to solve the problem.
Diversity initiatives in the US workplace: A brief history, their intended and unintended consequences
Diversity initiatives are designed to help workers from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve equitable opportunities and outcomes in organizations. However, these programs are often ineffective. To better