

Webinar Slides

Webinar Transcript

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​​Bridging the Gap: Strategies and Insights for the Career Advancement of Internationally Educated Newcomers​

Hosted on November 13, 2024, the training was delivered by Debra Means-West, Director, Network and Resource Development; Hannah Roche, Program Director, Global Talent; and, Heather Webster, Employer Engagement Coordinator, Global Talent. ​​​

Approximately two million newcomers who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher are either unemployed or underemployed in the U.S., according to the Migration Policy Institute. This underutilization not only represents a significant loss of human capital but also underscores the need for programmatic solutions designed to support internationally educated newcomers so they can fully use their skills and education in the United States. Join us for this insightful webinar on supporting internationally educated newcomers in navigating career pathways in the U.S. World Education Services (WES), a nationally recognized credential evaluation agency, will facilitate a discussion alongside grantees of ORR’s Refugee Career Pathways (RCP) program in Idaho. Speakers will discuss how RCP-funded programs are supporting internationally educated ORR-eligible clients by helping them navigate career pathways that leverage their existing education, skills, and experiences. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how skill underutilization impacts refugees and immigrants, as well as learn about federally funded programmatic solutions that seek to promote successful outcomes for internationally educated newcomers. ​​

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to: ​​​
– Describe national and state-level demographic and workforce data related to newcomers with high levels of international education – ​Identify common individual and structural barriers to the economic inclusion and career advancement of newcomers with international education ​
– Apply three practical strategies to support the career development of internationally educated newcomers​