Training and Supporting Community Members Serving as Interpreters

Hosted on July 18, 2023 the training was delivered by Rob Callus, Training Officer; Switchboard. In resettlement services, multilingual community members often serve as interpreters and translators. However, community members working in these roles sometimes lack the necessary skills and training. Paid certification programs can often be out of reach, leaving refugee service providers with the difficult task of providing the training and support.

This webinar will share tips to help service providers better plan for the training needs of interpreters. Using case scenarios, you will learn ways to help ensure that multilingual community members provide more accurate, culturally sensitive, and trauma-informed interpretation services that meet the unique needs of newcomer clients.

After participating in this 60-minute session, you will be able to:
– Name key topics to cover when developing interpretation training for community members
– Discuss considerations for working with community interpreters, including roles, responsibilities, boundaries, and ethical standards