Many parts of the U.S. are currently experiencing winter conditions including snow, ice, and extremely cold temperatures. Newcomers may not be familiar with cold weather environments or proper safety methods. This post details resources and considerations for vehicle and transportation safety in winter that service providers can share with clients. This is part two of […]

Many parts of the U.S. are currently experiencing winter conditions including snow, ice, and extremely cold temperatures. Service providers should ensure that newcomer clients understand the necessary steps to prepare for extreme winter weather and have adequate resources for coping with winter storms and hazards. Many clients have never experienced cold winter environments and may […]




Organizations in various fields have service providers who specialize in health case management. In this post, we focus on health case management specifically in the resettlement context. We describe the role of resettlement service providers acting as health case managers, as well as important limitations on their scope.   How is health case management different […]



Refugee and newcomer clients may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) depending on their age or health condition. However, applying for SSI is a long and complicated process. With contributions from Kara Friesen, Bayle Conrad, Dr. Andrea Green, and Dr. Meera Siddharth, this blog post answers some of the most common FAQs about SSI […]



In a previous post, we shared the Society of Refugee Healthcare Provider’s directory of healthcare providers who serve refugees and immigrants. In this post, we share more details about how organizations can create their own directory tailored for their location and clients’ needs.   What is this directory used for? A health care provider directory is […]