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Resources for Organizations and Communities on the End of the Public Health Emergency (PHE)

On May 11, 2023, the public health emergency (PHE) will expire and many will see changes in COVID-19 healthcare costs, insurance coverage and renewals, and food benefits. These changes are likely to disproportionately impact some refugee, immigrant, and migrant (RIM) communities. 

Use these resources to equip your organization and the clients you serve to be prepared for these changes when they begin this spring. These resources include: 

  • Fact Sheet: This fact sheet, customizable and soon to be translated, can serve as a reminder to clients and their families on the actions they should take before and after the Public Health Emergency ends.
  • Social media assets: Social media assets, which are customizable and soon to be translated, can be shared via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or other social media apps like Instagram where communities go to for information.
  • Cost Table: Not sure how costs will change? This simple table offers an at-a-glance summary of the detailed information gathered and presented by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
  • Featured Videos: Videos to share with clients in Dari and Pashto


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