Published By: Administration for Children and Family (ACF)

Refine Results


This video covers how legal service providers (LSPs) may support their Afghan arrival clients to prepare for the re-parole process. This will include setting up an online account with myUSCIS for each family member and navigating common issues.

This video builds on the information presented in the webinar Part 1 where ILSAA provided an overview of the re-parole process and how to get ready to engage in it with your Afghan arrival clients. In Part 2, ILSAA addresses how to implement the process, including how the re-parole process is going and the actuality…

This recorded webinar is a valuable resource designed to assist Legal Service Providers (LSPs) in offering guidance and support to Afghan clients who are seeking reunification with their family members living in Afghanistan.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) provides longer-term resettlement and integration services, such as limited cash and medical assistance employment preparation and placement, English language training, and a variety of other services. As a population eligible for ORR services, you and your family can work with resettlement agency…

These fact sheets, developed by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, provide information on ORR eligibility for selected populations. These fact sheets include information on asylees, Cuban & Haitian entrants, refugees, special immigrant visa holders, survivors of torture, and victims of trafficking.