
Interactive Data Sources for Refugee Service Providers #2: IOM Migration Data Portal

This blog post was written by the Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Assistance (META) Project and is included as an archived post on the Switchboard blog.

Going beyond the data on refugee migration flows we spotlighted last time, you may be interested in more specific data related to global migration patterns, themes and topics. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has recently released the Migration Data Portal, a powerful new tool that makes a wide range of migration data much more accessible, easier to understand, and easier to analyze.

The interactive portal allows you to explore data on:

  • Themes, such as indicators of integration, well-being and vulnerability;
  • Immigration and emigration patterns;
  • Policy and public opinion; and more.


Not only can you easily visualize raw data by country or region, but you can search for information and statistics by theme, locate relevant research and tools, and look up guidance and recommendations related to migration data. In this example, we can visualize the sex ratio of female to male migrants, including refugees, by country. You can hover your mouse over any given country to see exact values.



To view a detailed list of summary statistics, changes over time, and context for a particular country, select a country to focus on, and then click the orange box at the bottom of the screen. Here, we’ve selected “United States of America.”

Be sure to explore the “Themes” and “Tools” tabs for even more information relevant for refugee service providers. For instance, by selecting “Integration” and a region of your choice within the “Tools” tab, you can access publications, indicators, and other tools—all very helpful resources if you looking for data to inform an employment, education or health program for recently arrived refugees.

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Picture of Meg Gibbon

Meg Gibbon

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