Interactive Data Sources for Refugee Service Providers #1: UNHCR Resettlement Data Finder

This blog post was written by the Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Assistance (META) Project and is included as an archived post on the Switchboard blog.

Interested in data on refugee population flows from countries of origin to countries of first asylum or countries of resettlement? The UNHCR Resettlement Data Finder allows you to explore UNHCR’s resettlement data from each of these different angles.

First, determine whether you want to view submission, departure, or demographic data. Then, narrow your search by selecting a specific time frame (between 2003 and January 2018), then the countries of origin, countries of asylum and countries of resettlement you are interested in. In this excerpted example, we can review the number of refugees who settled in the US annually between 2016 and January 2018, disaggregated by country of origin.

It’s a little inconvenient to scroll through many pages of results—luckily, the Data Finder gives you the option of visualizing your data! Choose from different chart types including column charts (called “bar charts”), tree maps, Sankey diagrams, and heat maps. Here is the same data above, this time presented in a column chart:


If you are interested in demographic data, select this under “View” – you can then filter by the same criteria described above. This chart shows age and gender demographic data for refugees resettled in the United States from all countries of origin in 2017:

If you’d like to conduct a more in-depth analysis of your results, you can also download the data you select as a .CSV file, which you can then open in Microsoft Excel or a similar program.

More population statistics from UNHCR can be found on its interactive The World in Numbers page. If you are interested in specific geographic data, visit the Map Portal.

Stay tuned for META’s next installment in “Data Sources for Refugee Service Providers.” 

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Meg Gibbon

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