This blog post was written by the Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Assistance (META) Project and is included as an archived post on the Switchboard blog. Too many of us have experienced a common M&E frustration: puzzling over an Excel spreadsheet that may contain all of the information we need, but that takes multiple time-consuming steps to clean […]

This blog post was written by the Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Assistance (META) Project and is included as an archived post on the Switchboard blog. If you serve refugees in the U.S., you’ve probably experienced a common challenge: translating all of the valuable data you collect into relevant messages for a given audience, whether they […]

This blog post was written by the Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Assistance (META) Project and is included as an archived post on the Switchboard blog. It’s tempting to start out program design by drafting a narrative. After all, we know what we want to do, many approvals may be needed, and deadlines are looming! But […]