Digital Technology and Literacy Exchange

The event is finished.

Join CORE for a 90-minute knowledge exchange on the Cultural Orientation (CO) topic of Digital Technology and Literacy. We will discuss what the CO Objectives and Indicators expect you to cover under this topic and ways to collaborate with others in resettlement to support refugees’ unique digital needs. Together, we will discuss techniques to deliver this topic, including considerations for a variety of digital literacy levels and skills. CORE will offer this exchange on two different dates and times to accommodate multiple time zones; the content of both webinars is the same.

Register for the Tuesday, July 11 @ 8 AM EDT exchange (;!!IDEMUsA!FHi6cK5X2w8r6Kk0U0Lt5_u3yWBgvsGRgiiIQvUWgpkYguBtQQrqPRMA3Q91xkaW-kAeN6yGumUqcWdJlun_B3_2wL6OONda$ )
Register for the Thursday, July 13 @ 12 PM EDT exchange (;!!IDEMUsA!FHi6cK5X2w8r6Kk0U0Lt5_u3yWBgvsGRgiiIQvUWgpkYguBtQQrqPRMA3Q91xkaW-kAeN6yGumUqcWdJlun_B3_2wLSLRjUH$ )

Attention: Only 300 individuals can attend each exchange. Only register if you:

design or deliver Digital Technology and Literacy Cultural Orientation as outlined in the COO&Is; and,
can attend live.


Jul 13 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Cultural Orientation Resource Center (CORE)
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