Developing Strategies to Strengthen Quarterly Consultations in Newcomer-Receiving Communities

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What will this webinar cover? 

The U.S. government requires state refugee coordinators and resettlement agencies to consult with a myriad of stakeholders on a quarterly basis about the capacity of newcomer-receiving communities to welcome refugees. This process, though explicitly defined, does not always achieve the intended outcomes of community planning, stakeholder coordination, and shared understanding of capacity. This webinar will present strategies and lessons learned from the field on creating expansive consultation opportunities while meeting federal compliance measures. Leaders in resettlement will share ways to identify and grow from challenges experienced during quarterly consultations to ensure that effective consultation structures lead to successful and meaningful coordination across various systems and areas of expertise.   


Is this webinar for me? 

This webinar is designed for newcomer service providers and community stakeholders who want to strengthen the quarterly consultation processes in their community or state. This session will also directly benefit resettlement professionals responsible for planning and convening quarterly consultations who seek to streamline or improve existing processes.  


Why should I participate?

After participating in this 75-minute session, you will be able to:  

Describe key elements of successful quarterly consultations in newcomer-receiving communities  

Develop strategies for effectively managing challenges encountered during quarterly consultation planning and execution 

Identify at least one promising practice to prioritize during quarterly consultations 


May 13 2024


1:00 pm - 2:15 pm


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