CFPB FinEx webinar: Our latest research on financial well-being

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At the CFPB, we study financial well-being to understand how people feel about their financial security and freedom of choice. Financial well-being is grounded in a person’s day-to-day financial experiences, as well as how their circumstances affect their ability to meet personal financial goals. The CFPB’s Financial Well-being Scale lets you measure financial well-being in the people you serve. The webinar includes an introduction – or refresher – on using the scale to start conversations, compare groups, and measure results over time. Between 2017 and 2020, Americans experienced an average increase in their financial well-being. But a deeper analysis reveals some groups experienced large increases and other groups saw declines. Join us to find out more about the CFPB’s latest research findings on financial well-being.


Mar 29 2023


1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
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