
Resource Collection: Getting Started in Navigating ORR Eligibility

Determining whether a potential client is eligible for Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)-funded services can sometimes be a challenge. This blog post gathers some key resources for service providers who are new to the work of navigating ORR eligibility requirements and documentation.

Federal Resources

Clients with many different immigration statuses are eligible to participate in services from ORR. These groups are sometimes called ORR-eligible populations. They include refugees, asylees, Cuban and Haitian Entrants, Amerasians, Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants (Special Immigrant Visa, or SIV, clients), Afghan Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs), Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees (UHPs), Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URMs), Victims of Human Trafficking, and Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) who previously held status as a refugee, asylee, or Cuban/Haitian Entrant. See ORR’s Policy Letter 16-01 for a complete list of ORR-eligible populations.

Do you have detailed questions about ORR eligibility? ORR’s Refugee Policy Division can help! Email

Resources from the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF)

Resources from Switchboard

  • Public Benefits Overview for Refugees and Other Humanitarian Immigrants – This tool provides a summary of the ORR and mainstream benefits typically available to families with children, single adults or couples with no minor children, and disabled individuals and adults over 65.

  • Eligibility for Matching Grant (MG) Flow Chart – This resource includes a flow chart for service providers that can be used during the Matching Grant (MG) intake or assessment process to determine eligibility. This flow chart is intended as a quick reference tool and is accurate as of July 18, 2022. It is available in two formats: a one-page 11×17 document and a two-page 8.5×11 document.

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